Embark on a journey of empowerment with inspirational shayari that lifts your spirits and drives you towards success. These motivational verses act as a beacon of hope, guiding you through adversities and instilling strength and positivity. Let the words of inspirational shayari fuel your determination and inspire you to chase your dreams with unwavering resolve. Embrace the transformational power of poetry and let your spirit soar to new horizons.

Life can be a reality for achievers
but a tragedy for dreamers.


Don't let age change you. change the way you age!


If god brings you to it
he will bring you through it.


No person who is enthusiastic about his work has anything to fear from life.


Admitting fault will temporarily bruise your ego but unrelenting stubbornness will eventually destroy a relationship!


Those who judge will never understand and those who understand will never judge!


Life doesn't get easier. you get weirder!


One of the best lessons you can learn is to master how to remain calm!


Law of karma is the ultimate justice and it is not a punishment
but a liberation!


There is no deodorant to cover up the stench of a bad attitude. be nice to people!


Slowly but surely the drums that are playing in your soul will tremble lose everything that no longer honours your highest being!


Staying positive does not mean that things will turn out okay.
it is knowing that you will be okay no matter how things turn out!


No matter how dirty your past is
your future is still spotless.


No matter how dirty your past is
your future is still spotless.


Alphabet 'o' stands for opportunity which is absent in 'yesterday'

available only once in 'today'

and thrice in 'tomorrow'!


Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.


There are two kind of people in this world:
those who remember names

and those whose names are remembered.

choice is yours!


If you wait for perfect conditions
you will never get anything done!


You don't become what you want

you become what you believe.


Don't read success stories

you will get only message

read failure stories

you will get some ideas to get success.


It is hard to fail
but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.


Those who are afraid to fall
will never fly.


People with talent will be lucky

people who work hard will become successful

and people with talent who work hard will become great!


The nearest way to glory is to strive to be what you wish you thought to be!


Sometimes in life
you have to get knocked down to realize that you need to turn it up a notch. no one became successful without getting knocked down a few times!
