Your Beauty Is Unspeakable

Your beauty is unspeakable.
your love is inescapable.
and i have fallen deep for you.
the heavens twilight stars,
lit up the night sky,
and i saw you through the midnight gloom.
winters death,
took away my breath,
and stopped the bloom of love.
but the radiance that came from you.
reflected off the snow,
melted away all my fears.
and dried all my tears.
now i pray to see you again.
in the chilled wind,
i smell your perfume.
my love is only for you.
how long i have waited to see your face again.
i wish this wouldn't end?
i wish i could send,
a love letter straight to your heart.
from me to you, my love is true.
a vampire, i wait outside my tomb.
to see you again
to be in a lovers sin?
i pray unto the gods.
i pray unto it all.
so i wont fall,
far from you?
just please my lover take my heart?

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