By expecting a -ve answer

By expecting a -ve answer,
girlfriend ask “hv u evr cheated,lie,broken promise?”
2 satisfy his girl,
d boy reply a -ve answer:
“nothing of dis,i haven’t done.”

If I reach 4 your hand

If i reach 4 your hand,
will you hold it?
if i hold out my arms,
will you hug me?
if i go 4 your lips,
will you kiss me?
if i capture your heart,
will u luv me?

Reasons Reasons

Reasons reasons...
deres alwyz a reason 4 everthng...
resn 2 luv,
resn 2 hate,
resn 2 live,
resn 2 die,
resn 2 laugh,
resn 2 cry,

but if u can't find a resn 2 smile..
can l be the resn 4 a while...??

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