mohabbat mein aaya hai tanha abhi rang

mohabbat mein aaya hai tanha abhi rang
badalne lagi hai magar zindagi rang

so far life has shown only one color of love
yet life is beginning to change its colours

bahaaron ke aanchal mein khush-bu chhupi hai
gulon ki qaba mein bhare hain sabhi rang

the fragrance swings in the apron of spring
the raiments of flowers are filled with all the colours

tumhaare bina sab adhure hain jaanan
saba phul khush-bu chaman raushni rang

my dearest, without you everything is incomplete
the morning breeze, flowers, fragrances, garden, light, colours

jo bhule se bachpan mein pakdi thi titli
surur-e-wafa mein bhi utra wahi rang

once a childhood, when i mistakenly caught a butterfly
i found its colour seeped in the heady brew of loyalty

na jaane kahan se barasti hai barish
sajati hai tere agar dilbari rang

no one knows where the rain falls from
whenever my love begins to paint you

mile 'indira' mera paigham un ko
liye hai mukammal meri shairi rang

may they receive this message, hopes indira
my poetry has now attained its fullest glory

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