I Might Have Erased Ur Text

I might have erased ur text.
but i will never forget wat
u wrote, i may never see
you again but i will never
forget ur picture. we might
have stopped talking. but i
will never forget ur voice.
i will never forget our love
i will never forget u..

I Hate Myself Coz I Can't Stop Loving U

I hate myself coz i can't stop
loving u, i want to kill myself
coz i can't stop myself thinking
about u, i want to be like u and
hope oneday i'll that day don't
cry as i cried for u, that don't
miss me as i missed u, that
day u'll understand what u
have lost waiting for that day

I Cry Because I Kn0w He Doesn't Feel The Way I Do

I cry because i kn0w he doesn't
feel the way i do, i cry because
i think of h0w pathetic i am,
and i cry because i'm g0ing to
be crying f0rever.. they say
falling f0r y0u was my mistake,
but h0w can it be s0 wr0ng if it
feels s0 right? if ever i made a
mistake,, its n0t that i feel f0r
y0u, its thinking that s0meday
y0u will fall f0r me too...!!!

Never break four t

Never break four t
Hings in your life:
trust ..
promise ..
relation ..
heart ..
because when they r broken they don’t make noise
but pains a lot ..

If My tomorrow never comes ‘I M sorry’ for all the Th¡ngs ¡ might have Sa¡d ‘I

If my tomorrow never comes
‘i m sorry’ for all the th¡ngs ¡ might have sa¡d
‘i m sorry’ for all the th¡ngs ¡ did or didn’t do
‘i m sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever ¡gnored you
‘i m sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever made you feel bad or put you down
‘i m sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever thought ¡ was bigger or better than you
‘i m sorry’ for everything wrong ¡ have ever done
i m wr¡t¡ng th¡s becoz ¡f my tomorrow never comes?
if i never get a chance to say sorry then i m sorry.. .. .. .. ..

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