na tha kuchh to KHuda tha kuchh na hota to KHuda hota

na tha kuchh to khuda tha kuchh na hota to khuda hota
duboya mujh ko hone ne na hota main to kya hota

in nothingness god was there, if naught he would persist
existence has sunk me, what loss, if i did'nt exist

hua jab gham se yun be-his to gham kya sar ke katne ka
na hota gar juda tan se to zanu par dhara hota

when so burdenened, why the sorrow, of losing one's head
if it had not been severed, would be, hanging low instead

hui muddat ki 'ghaalib' mar gaya par yaad aata hai
wo har ek baat par kahna ki yun hota to kya hota

though ages he's been dead gaalib is, still thought of today
at every trice, to ask what would be, if it were this way

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