tang aa chuke hain kashmakash-e-zindagi se hum

tang aa chuke hain kashmakash-e-zindagi se hum
thukra na den jahan ko kahin be-dili se hum

mayusi-e-maal-e-mohabbat na puchhiye
apnon se pesh aae hain beganagi se hum

lo aaj hum ne tod diya rishta-e-umid
lo ab kabhi gila na karenge kisi se hum

ubhrenge ek bar abhi dil ke walwale
go dab gae hain bar-e-gham-e-zindagi se hum

gar zindagi mein mil gae phir ittifaq se
puchhenge apna haal teri bebasi se hum

allah-re fareb-e-mashiyyat ki aaj tak
duniya ke zulm sahte rahe khamushi se hum

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