This Poem is Writtern by A boy Who lost his love

This poem is writtern by a boy who lost his love..
she gave me lots of love,
i thought thats enough.
she took me as god gifted,
i took her for granted.
because of my ego
i asked her to go
she asked me why,
i said dont love you any more.
i dint know her value when she was around
‘n when i realized her value she was under the ground…
so respect the feelings of the person who loves you.. !

Why did we cross the line

Why did we cross the line?
everything would be fine -
one moment of pleasure
for all this pain
can you tell me now what did we gain?
everything would be ok -
normal as it was,
but no – we had to go to far -
we had to cross that line
i would never turn back time,
for every moment i learn.
it’s just things are so different now -
things between you and me.
why didn’t i open my eyes?
why didn’t i only see
that what we were accomplishing
would be the end to you and me?

Forgive Me for Liking You too much

Forgive me for liking you too much,
i’ll forgive you for not liking me enough.
forgive me for the loud racing of my heart,
i’ll forgive you for not hearing it.
forgive me for finding you amazing,
i’ll forgive you for never noticing.
forgive me for wanting to be with you more than anything,
i’ll forgive you for avoiding me.
forgive me for not being able to let go,
i’ll forgive you for never holding on.. !

Left alone in the Past Forgotten Friendships buried

Left alone in the past
forgotten friendships buried, never meant to last
she walked away from me
why couldn’t i foresee?
time standing still
another way to deal, another pill
the sky is gray with hate
one thing tore us apart, your fate
now what will you do?
who will confide in you?
remember the times we shared?
remember how well we paired?
the consequences are tough
you only knew how to treat me rough
who is next in line?
will you, too, break their spine?
look at what you’ve done
this time i will stand in front of you, i won’t run
don’t bother me anymore
all you touch, you tore
what you wanted, you took
now i glance back, i take one last look
you left me alone in your past
forgotten friendships buried, never meant to last.. !

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