You say you want to be just friends

You say you want to be just friends,
but do you mean goodbye?
is that the easy way to end
the wish without the why?
you owe me nothing, as i owe
you equally, and yet
there’s something in the undertow
i cannot just forget.
there’s something lovely like a song
that’s waiting to be heard,
or like the feelings that belong
to some unspoken word.
and so with you i cannot simply
smile and stay aloof.
i take the ri
Sk of asking frankly
for the untold truth.

I tried hard to get over with this pain

I tried hard to get over with this pain..
but i really couldn’t help it…
tried to accept u just as a friend…
but the love i have inside for you
its so true to forget…
though i died inside when you told me
how much you love her…
how you cry for her…
how you long for her love…
but you never feel the pain of my dying soul..
how eachday i broke myself to support you…
how i had to wish that you get her back…
still hoping that someday you’ll choose me instead…
someday i’ll smile when you get her love…
‘n wish you a happy life where i’m not with u..
i constantly fear that day of loosing you forever…
but till then i can keep hoping.. :(
i pray every night ‘n it isn’t for me…
it’s for someone else..
sometimes i feel like i’ll never feel the same again
sometimes i just want to watch the world burn…
this empty world where you cant be mine..!

Do you know how it feels When someone throws you out of their life for someone

Do you know how it feels
when someone throws you out of their life for someone else..?
do you know how it feels
when you want to die with each breath..?
do you know how it feels
wen you someone else snatching the person you loved the most..?
do you know how it feels..
when you have to say “i’m fine” ‘n fake a smile
but nothing is ok at all..?
do you know how it feels
when you try hard to smile but tears fall unknowingly..?
do you know how it feels to know..
that the i only wish you had will never be fulfilled..?
i have gone through all of these..
just because of you
‘n in return…
i will be loving you forever with my broken heart…
i’ll be loving you with all these broken pieces..
but my love will be stronger than any unbroken heart..
no one can love you like i can… !

No Matter Where You Go

No matter where you go..
no matter what you do..
if we grow apart or come closer together..
if you fall in love..’n forget all about me..
or if you came to hate me..
i want you to know that i will always love you..
‘n always be there for you..
no matter where your destiny lies..
you will always be my friend..
‘n if fate tears us apart..
always remember that
no matter how long it has been since we talked..
or why we stopped talking..
if life brings you down..
i will always be there for you..
you can call me
i will listin to you..
i wont ever judge you..
‘n always remember..i love you.. !

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