hum bhi shair the kabhi jaan-e-suKHan yaad nahin

hum bhi shair the kabhi jaan-e-sukhan yaad nahin
tujh ko bhule hain to dil-dari-e-fan yaad nahin

dil se kal mahw-e-takallum the to malum hua
koi kakul koi lab koi dahan yaad nahin

aql ke shahr mein aaya hai to yun gum hai junun
lab-e-goya ko bhi be-sakhta-pan yaad nahin

awwal awwal to na the waqif-e-adab-e-qafas
aur ab rasm-o-rah-e-ahl-e-chaman yaad nahin

har koi nawak o tarkash ki dukan puchhta hai
kisi gahak ko magar apna badan yaad nahin

waqt kis dasht-e-faramoshi mein le aaya hai
ab tera nam bhi khakam-ba-dahan yaad nahin

ye bhi kya kam hai gharib-ul-watani mein ki 'faraaz'
hum ko be-mehri-e-arbab-e-watan yaad nahin

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